Friday, June 25, 2010

Garnier "Takes Care Take Charge"

This is the L'Oreal way - Create 'Sustainability' with a brand that echoes nature.Came across the ad during my usual weekly round-up of ads quite some time back but now that I have Versatile Vanity, I can share this with you. (whoever you are!)
If there were ever a company I would gladly take over the world with, it would L'Oreal. A deep history of innovation, leadership, cult brand following and just an at-ease with the world feeling. When the ad came out, I was but happy and surprised with the attempt. Not overtly ambitious but graciously modest. The artwork is alright but the copy rings forthrightness - something most companies of similar stature fail to achieve.  I will let you catch on the copy while I make a quick call to the toll free number at the bottom.

Till next time. Au revoir ! A bien tot !

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